About Us

Who We Are

About Us

Welcome to Fanous & Co Group, a renowned manufacturer operating in multiple industries including medical supplies, Rennet, Cosmetics, Disinfectants, detergents, Skin Care, and Selfcare. With a strong commitment to excellence, innovation, and customer satisfaction, we have established ourselves as a trusted name in the market.

Our Mission

Our mission at Fanous & Co Group is to manufacture and provide high-quality products that enhance the well-being and quality of life for individuals across various industries. We strive to consistently deliver innovative solutions that meet the diverse needs of our customers while upholding the highest standards of safety, efficacy, and sustainability.

Our Values

1. Quality: We are dedicated to producing products of the highest quality, adhering to stringent quality control measures at every stage of our manufacturing process. We believe that quality is non-negotiable and strive to exceed customer expectations.

2. Innovation: Embracing a culture of innovation, we constantly explore new ideas, technologies, and trends to develop cutting-edge products that address evolving market demands. We encourage creativity and continually seek ways to improve our offerings.

3. Integrity: Honesty, transparency, and ethical conduct form the foundation of our business. We maintain strong relationships with our customers, employees, partners, and stakeholders by upholding the highest standards of integrity in all our interactions.

4. Customer Focus: Our customers are at the heart of everything we do. We prioritize their needs, listen to their feedback, and proactively adapt our offerings to provide tailored solutions that exceed their expectations.

Our Vision

Driven by our passion for creating a healthier and more beautiful world, our vision is to become a global leader in manufacturing medical supplies, Rennet, Cosmetics, Disinfectants, detergents, Skin Care, and Selfcare products. We aim to continually expand our product range and geographical presence, while maintaining our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction.

Our Purpose

Driven by our purpose to make a positive impact on people’s lives, Fanous & Co Group is dedicated to improving healthcare, personal care, and hygiene standards across the globe. We aim to contribute to a healthier and more sustainable world by manufacturing and supplying safe, effective, and environmentally friendly products.

At Fanous & Co Group, we are committed to continuous improvement, innovation, and excellence. We invite you to explore our extensive range of products and experience the difference that our passion and dedication make. Join us on our journey towards a healthier and happier world.

75+ Years Experience
Top Professional
200+ Products

Let's Build Your Dreams!